Chenille badges have a long and rich history dating back to the 18th century. The term “chenille” comes from the French word for “caterpillar”, referring to the fluffy, textured yarns that are used to create the badges. The original chenille badges were created using a technique called "tufting" which involves pushing yarns through a fabric base and then cutting them to create a fuzzy, textured surface.
The early chenille badges were primarily used for military purposes. They were worn by soldiers as a way to identify their unit or rank. As the popularity of chenille badges grew, they began to be used in a wide range of applications, including schools, universities, sports teams, fraternities, sororities, and more.
We are market leader of making custom-made chenille badges. Our chenille badges and letters are expertly crafted using high-quality chenille yarns and the latest embroidery techniques and they convey a sense of luxury and elegance. They are available in a wide variety of designs, colors and sizes.
Order your premium chenille badges and letters today and experience the difference!